E A R L Y E D U C A T O R S M o N T E S S O R I

Early Educators Montessori Nursery

Our Philosophy

At Early Educators Montessori nursery, we take a holistic approach that follows the EYFS principles together with the Montessori method.

The Montessori Philosophy teaches a progressive curriculum that uses child-directed learning, this is backed by scientific research and observation as its core value.

Instead of the traditional teaching methods, children will make their own choices whilst directresses guide them along the way.

Montessori teaching allows children to grow and develop quickly in an environment that is warm and stimulating.

Children will be encouraged and given opportunities to develop to their full potential.

EYFS or Montessori?

Compare the EYFS principles with the Montessori Perspective

EYFS Principle: 

“Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured”.

Montessori perspective: 

“He has the highest potential, but we do not know what he will be. He must ‘become incarnate’ with the help of his own will".

(Montessori, 1966, 32)

EYFS Principle:

 “Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person”.

Montessori perspective:

 ‘Little children between three and six years of age have a special psychology. They are full of love. They are only without love if they are ill-treated. If they are badly treated their real nature is altered. They are full of love themselves and need to be loved in order to grow". 

(Montessori, 1989, p. 41)

EYFS Principle: 

 “The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning”.

Montessori perspective: 

“In an open environment, that is, one that is suitable to his age, a child’s psychic life should develop naturally and reveal its inner secret”. (Montessori, 1966, p. 110)

EYFS Principle: 

“Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates, and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected”.

Montessori perspective:  

“… it aims, in short, at a total development of the personality; a harmonious growth of all the potentialities of the child, physical and mental, according to the law of its being”. 

(Montessori, 1965, p141)

Areas of Learning


The Early Years Foundation Stage objectives are structured around seven developmental sections known as the EYFS Areas of Learning. 

These EYFS areas of development are structured to cover the most active developmental phase in a child's early years.


There are five key areas of learning in the Montessori environment.

Each area helps your child learn and grow by stimulating their development through logical and creative experiences.

Areas of Learning

EYFS Montessori
Physical Development, Personal Social and Emotional Development Practical Life
Communication and Language, Literacy Language
Maths Mathematics
Understanding the world, Expressive Arts and Design Culture
Physical Development, Personal Social and Emotional Development Sensorial

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